October 31-November 4, 2022


What a fun week of learning we had in Room 6! The week started out with Halloween. It was great to see all of the fun costumes and do some Halloween related activities. In math we examined the pumpkin seeds that Mrs. Cooper took from our pumpkin and made an estimate about how many seeds there were. Then Mrs. Cooper taught us about using a ‘referent’. A referent is “when you know how many there are” (– a grade 3 student) and you use that to help you make an estimate. We also talked about the parts of speech and used them to make a Mad Lib story. Here is how Sky describes what we did:

“First for our Monster Mad Libs we had a list of things that we had to write down, for example adjectives and nouns. Once we were done that we got a story sheet so we would write down our nouns and adjectives but not in random order. We would write the first word on the first blank and the second word on the second blank. Finally, we read the stories and they turned out super funny!”

But there was lots more to our Halloween fun! We talked about how to dispose of our pumpkin, Mrs. Cooper read us a Robert Munch book in the dark and we played Halloween inspired games in physical education. Penelope wanted to share:

“In Physical Education, we played Pac Man tag. How you play is you have to stay on the lines and there are two Pac Mans. If the Pac Mans tag you, you have to sit down. There is also a power up ghost. What the power up ghost does is if they see someone sitting down they just go and tag them and then that person can get back in the game. If someone is sitting down you can’t go around them, you have to turn around and go the opposite direction. Also, if the power up ghost gets tagged they are down.”

In writing, we are working on improving our descriptions to make our writing more interesting. We can do this by using adjectives and adverbs, including descriptions from more than one of our senses and also using expressive language like similes and onomatopoeia. We are also finishing our novel Wishtree and have been discussing characters. Be sure to ask us about our Character fortune tellers and the way we would describe each major character in our book.

For Health, we are continuing to work with our buddies to explore the grade three learning intention, “I can understand how different roles can require certain actions, behaviours, and responsibilities” and the grade 4 learning intention, “I can understand how different experiences can provide a sense of purpose and belonging.” Here is what some of our peers wanted to share about buddies this week:

We saw our kindergarten buddies on Tuesday. The teachers gave us a dice and the instructions. Whatever number you rolled you would need to add a detail to the pumpkin picture. – a grade 3 student

The purpose of hanging out with your buddies is to get to know other people. Also, you need to be a good example for them so they learn to do school things in better ways. -Ellie

We can also teach younger kids new stuff and you can learn about them. They get to learn about us. -Penelope

Another reason that it is nice to hang out with buddies is because you can teach them what is good behavior in the school and what is not good behavior. -Sebastian

Of course we did so much more!! Emma and Everly wanted to make sure that you knew:

“This week we have been talking about Diwali a lot. We glued a piece of paper that had a picture and had people on it doing different things for Diwali. Then we had to write four or five good words or sentence that explained the traditions. You had to use a ruler and you had to write it in your visual journal.” -Emma

“For our Wishtree, we glued on leaves and added our animals. We pinned the background onto the wall and we also added Samar to the background.” – Everly

Also ask us about:

  • skipping in physical education;
  • the grade 4s learning about duration of time and the grade 3s practicing telling time using “minutes to” and “minutes after” on an analouge clock;
  • fluency practice using the strategy of “bridging to 10” and “doubles plus or minus one”; 
  • pumpkin decomposition, fruit fly life cycles and why we needed to get rid of our pumpkin; 
  • designing a leaf decomposition experiment; and 
  • the long "a" sound in word work.
Mrs. Cooper also wants to share some important information:

  • Photo retakes are Monday November 7th. Please send Mrs. Cooper a quick email if your child needs retakes done on Monday. 
  • The Remembrance Day assembly will be on Thursday December 10th. Students from Room 7 will deliver poppies before the assembly begins and collect any poppy money your students bring. If you would like to make a donation online, please visit https://legion.ca/donations. Please also see below for other ways you can make a positive impact in the lives of Veterans including making online donations and supporting the MOMMS Pet Food Drive. 
  • Our lovely school council has another fundraising opportunity – it is for holiday plants and flowers. See this link for more information, and also the image below https://lakebonavistaschool.growingsmilesfundraising.com/home.


Remembrance Day:  How You Can Help Make a Positive Change in the Lives of Veterans 

Poppy Fund Donations

Students will be given a poppy on November 10th while honoring Remembrance Day at school.  If you would like to send in a monetary donation to support the Poppy Fund that day, it would be greatly appreciated.  You can also show your support by donating online through following the link: https://legion.ca/donations

 MOMMS Pet Food Drive

 To support Veterans and their dogs, our community pet store is collecting donations. These items will help support the pets that bring so much comfort and happiness to those who have served our country. Please send any donations to school with your child, on or before November 10th. They will be dropped off by Room 7 and 8. See the information below for donation details.

Important Dates

  • Monday, November 7 - Photo Retakes
  • Thrusday, November 10 - Remembrance Day Assembly
  • Friday, November 11 - Remembrance Day - No School
  • November 21-27 Book Fair 
  • November 24-25 Conferences - No School Friday Nov. 25


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