April 11-14, 2023

We are so excited about how our pysanky eggs turned out and we cannot wait to bring them home! When doing them we learned that it was harder than we thought it would be, that there are many steps to this process and that in the Ukrainian culture, each symbol has it’s own meaning. Did you know that a spiral means defense or protection, a ladder means prosperity, and roses mean love and caring? Before we decorated our own eggs, we did a pencil sketch plan using the symbols that represent us or our family, or wishes that we want for the future.

Our eggs will come home this week, and Mrs. Cooper will send another message, however she wants to remind everyone that our eggs are raw and full! This means that each family has a few choices about what they want to do with the eggs:

  • You can visit Pysanky Info: Emptying Eggs to learn how to hollow out the eggs. This is common in the Ukrainian culture (and what Mrs. Cooper’s family does). A slight warning, there is a possibility that the eggs could break when doing this, especially if there is already a crack in the egg.
  • You can choose to put them on display for a few weeks, and then dispose of them in the garbage. Please do not put them in the compost as they have dye on them. You also cannot use them for cooking or eating because of the dye.
  • You can put them somewhere on display that is very safe. It is possible that over many years the egg white and yolk will dry out. However, this takes many, many, years and if the egg breaks before it is dried, it will be incredibly stinky!!

Mrs. Cooper has taken a picture of everyone’s eggs that will go in our visual journals just in case they get broken on the way home. If you have any questions about how to keep/dispose of your eggs, please send Mrs. Cooper an email.

In writing, we are continuing to focus on non-fiction writing making sure to have a strong topic sentence that explains what the rest of the paragraph is going to be about. After making our pysanky eggs, we are doing procedural writing that explains how to make a pysanky egg. However, we don’t want to just write a list of steps. To make our writing flow, we are using transition words such as “first”, “then”, “once we” and more.

Mrs. Cooper also wanted to share that we have our next field trip coming up to Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area on Thursday May 11. The paperwork for this field trip will be coming home on Monday, April 24 however she wanted to let all the grown-ups know as we need 4 full day volunteers for this trip. Please check your calendars. If you are able to volunteer, you can let Mrs. Cooper know after the paperwork comes home, or at any time..

Of course, we did so much more this week! Ask us about:

  • ·        Beams and trestles in gymnastics and how we use these movement sequences for our outside physical education this week;
  • ·        Tank care for our fish;
  • ·        The germination of the peas and tower garden plants;
  • ·        Sharing our pysanky eggs with our kindergarten buddies; and
  • ·        Our favorite part of the week.

Important Dates

  • April 17-28- Ms. Sharon's last 2 week residency with the school
  • April 20 - Ms. Susie's last day with us
  • April 20 - Edo Healthy Hunger Fun Lunch
  • May 4 - Cibo Healthy Hunger Fun Lunch
  • May 5 - CBE Non-Instructional  Day - NO SCHOOL
  • May 8-16 - Netball
  • May 11 - Room 6 Field Trip to Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area
  • May 18 - Subway Healthy Hunger Fun Lunch
  • May 29 - CBE Non-Instructional  Day - NO SCHOOL
  • June 1 - Mary Brown's Healthy Hunger Fun Lunch


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